Dear People of God,
Good morning to you all. The Fourth Sunday of Lent is called Laetare (Rejoice) Sunday, from the first words of today’s liturgy. It calls us to rejoice in the hope of our salvation through the grace of God in Christ Jesus.
Our first reading of today presents the wrath as well as the mercy of God. These are revealed in both, the exile and liberation of his people. Three complaints were made against Israel and their leaders. These include: “That they were unfaithful; they defiled the temple; and, they laughed at the prophets.” This merited them deportation and exile.
In spite of this, God decided to restore them at his own time. Hence, this reading is essentially a message of hope, grounded on the grace of our loving, merciful and sovereign Lord. This is an indication that history is a process, not only of destruction, but of selection, redemption and of restoration. Also, it shows us how God chose to save humanity through his only son Jesus Christ.
The gospel of today presents us with one of the most quoted verses of the bible: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him might not be perished but might have eternal life” (Jn 3, 16). This is good news and a great source of joy for all of us. However, it is important to note also that this is an offer. So, one can accept, or reject it. God has made grace available this season. The most amazing thing about this grace is that, even though it was immeasurably costly for God to express, yet it is unconditionally free to all of us. It is God’s favor, freely offered to us but, expensively expressed!
Therefore, our state of salvation is dependent upon one thing. This is only, on our appreciation and acceptance of the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. He has made redemption and salvation available this season. On our part, we must be ready to accept it. We must be ready to believe in Him, and to live the good life.
In conclusion, we must make use of the opportunity presented to us this season to better our lives. What we simply need to do is to believe and live the good life which God created us to live from the beginning. Good life means living as committed and faithful children of God, rather than as infidels and stubborn children. This is the only way our joy can be complete.
Have a great and Blessed Sunday!