Saint Boniface Parish

S 2022 County Road U
Waumandee, WI 54622
Rectory Phone: (608) 687-3496
Office Phone: (608) 626-2611
School Phone: (608) 626-2611
School Email:
Parish Email:
Office Hours: Tue & Thu 9:00am - 2:00pm


Sunday Masses are televised and live-streamed on the Diocese of La Crosse website, YouTube channel, Facebook.

FridayDecember 06

  • 8:00 am Service(Communion Service - Immaculate Conception, Fountain City)

SaturdayDecember 07

  • 8:00 am Mass(Immaculate Conception)

    Irv & Betty & Carlos & Dorothy

  • 4:00 pm Confession(St. Boniface, Waumandee)
  • 4:30 pm Mass(St. Boniface, Waumandee)

    † Rosemary Hillig

SundayDecember 08

  • 7:30 am Confession(St. Lawrence, Alma)
  • 8:00 am Mass(St. Lawrence, Alma)

    † Lonnie Adank & Bernice Semling

  • 9:30 am Confession(Immaculate Conception, Fountain City)
  • 10:00 am Mass(Immaculate Conception, Fountain City)

    † “Johny P”

MondayDecember 09

  • 8:00 am Mass(St. Lawrence, Alma)

    † H. Gregory Green

  • 11:00 am Mass(St. Boniface, Waumandee)

    Franziska Mand

  • 5:30 pm Mass(Immaculate Conception, Fountain City)

    † Charlotte Korn

TuesdayDecember 10

  • 5:30 pm Service(Communion Service - St. Boniface, Waumandee)

WednesdayDecember 11

  • 8:00 am Service(Communion Service - St. Lawrence, Alma)

ThursdayDecember 12

  • NO Mass

We Appreciate Your Support

Make your donations online.

A 3% fee will be deducted from the donation for bank fees.


Help Wanted

We are looking for someone to clean the hallway between the church and the social hall every week, and Rippley Hall whenever there is a gathering. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Connie in the office or via email.


Knights of Columbus Christmas Party and Auction

K of C Council #1654 Christmas party and Auction will be held Tue, Dec 10 at the Arcadia Country Club. Social at 5:30pm and meal at 6:00pm.

All Knights, spouses of current or deceased Knights and potential new members are invited.

Please call Ben Filla at 608-863-5250 or Tom Moris at 715-784-3197 for meal reservations.


Calling all couples who are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2025 or 2026

Every year we are honored to do something special for couples who are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Each couple receives a packet and certificate, as well as an invitation to attend one of three celebrations that include Mass with the Bishop followed by a dinner. We use the information provided by your parish’s records to know where to send the packets and invitations. We are preparing for the anniversaries happening in 2025 and would like to get a head start on the 2026 anniversaries as well. Please contact your parish office to ensure your wedding date is listed in the parish’s records.

Communion Services

Deacon Wendt will offer Communion Services this week:

St. Boniface - Tue 5:30pm
St Lawrence - Wed 8:00am
Immaculate Conception - Fri 8:00am

Deanery Christmas Confessions

Deanery Confessions will be held Sun, Dec 8, 3:00pm at Holy Family Church in Arcadia. They will have confessions until everyone is finished. Everyone is welcome to come.

Religious Education

The elementary students meet every Wednesday until 5:00pm at St. Mary’s Parish Life Center in Fountain City.

The next class for Grades 7th thru 10th will be at Immaculate Conception on Dec 4.

If you still need to register your child, please contact Carrie at or 608-687-3228.


The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree is up at all three parishes. Please take a tag or two and have wrapped packages (please attach tree tag) and bring to church next weekend, Dec 7/8. There are also Red Heart Tags with items to be sent along with families, these items do not need to be wrapped.

Thank you in advance for your generosity during this Christmas season.


Immaculate Conception Holy Day Mass Schedule

Mass times: 8:00am at St. Lawrence, 11:00am at St. Boniface, 5:30pm at Immaculate Conception


Women's Retreat

A retreat for women this Advent will be held at the Jesuit Retreat House, Oshkosh. Fr. Jim Shea, SJ, as the retreat director, will guide retreatants to find spiritual riches in our daily lives this Advent and Christmas season, and throughout the year.

For reservations call or email 920-231-9060 or


Tree Decorating

All three parishes will be decorating the church for Christmas after Mass on the weekend of December 21-22. Everyone is welcome to help make the church look beautiful for the birth of Christ. The more, the merrier!