Dear People of God,
In the month of November, we pray in a special way for the souls of the deceased. Out of charity. Let us pray for our deceased loved ones in the hope that our prayers will assist them and carry them into Heaven.
On this 32nd Sunday, the readings remind us to be alert and ready. The first reading speaks of seeking wisdom and being ready for her at dawn.
We hear the parable of the Ten Virgins in the Gospel Reading of today.
This parable is found only in the Gospel of Matthew and it is partially an allegory told in the context of the culture and custom of a Jewish wedding of the time, which is different from ours. Of the ten, five were considered foolish, because they were not prepared for the bridegroom's coming; while the other five were considered wise, because they were prepared. Jesus tells this parable to impress his followers of the supreme need of vigilance and watchfulness. Each bridesmaid is responsible for her own lamp and oil, highlighting the theme of personal accountability in being prepared for important events.
In this parable, Matthew is telling the Christian community that the return of the Lord may be delayed beyond their expectation and that they should, therefore, prepare for the long wait by providing enough oil for their lamps. We need to wait patiently for our Master’s to return. Therefore, the moment of waiting should not be a weary moment for us. Instead, it should be a moment of grace to be well prepared. We must not become victims of the eleventh hour.
His “delay” should not be an excuse for us not to be ready. Instead, it should be an opportunity to be prepared and wait for him. Are we vigilant and prepared for the Lord's coming whenever he comes? Let us - “Therefore, stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.” Have a Happy and Blessed Sunday!