Dear People of God, Praised be Jesus Christ. There is going to be St. Boniface Catholic School Spring Fundraiser this Sat, Mar 25 at our new Rippley’s Social Hall, Waumandee. Please do come and support our St. Boniface School. Also don’t forget the Soup Supper every Tuesday of Lent at our Hansen Hall, Fountain City.
Today is the 5th Sunday of Lent. This will be followed by 'Passion Sunday,' (Palm Sunday) and finally 'the Holy Week' that will reach its peak on 'Easter Sunday.' The central theme of today’s Scripture Readings is the resurrection and the life. The three readings of today fit beautifully together as they tell us of death yielding to a new way of life.
READ MOREDear People of God,
First of all, I wish and pray that our God may grant you all ‘Good health, good luck and happiness for today and every day’! There is going to be St. Boniface Catholic School Spring Fundraiser on March 25th after the Saturday Mass at our Rippley’s Social Hall, Waumandee. You are most welcome to have fun. Of course, Your presence is going to be a great support to our St. Boniface School. Also don’t forget the Soup Supper every Tuesday of Lent at our Hansen Hall, Fountain city.
The readings for the 4th Sunday of Lent Year A are about sight and blindness. The first reading is the story of the choosing of David as God’s anointed one. There is much to learn today from our first reading.
READ MOREDear People of God,
I wish and pray that our God may grant you all ‘Good health, good luck and happiness for today and every day’!
Our Bishop Callahan has asked me to share with you about the decree pertaining to St. Patrick’s Day, Fri, Mar 17.
“The disciplinary practice of abstaining from meat on the Fridays in the Lent is an important dimension of the penitential nature of the season. This year, the feast of St. Patrick, Fri, Mar 17, falls on Friday in Lent. Given the many celebrations that occurs on this day in accord with the norm of law, I here with grant to all Catholics of the Diocese of La Crosse as well as all present here that day, a dispensation from abstinence from meat and meat products. I encourage all who make use of this dispensation to engage in another sacrificial or Charitable act that day”. - by Most Reverend Willian Patrick Callahan. Still if we want, we can be abstaining from meat on that day. The point here is that a special provision is available on that Friday.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
Good morning to you all! Our Immaculate Parish PCCW will host their Lenten soup on coming Tuesdays. It begins after the 4:30pm Mass in the Hansen Hall. You are most welcome.
On the second Sunday of Lent, the Gospel Reading speaks about Transfiguration of Jesus. Before going to explain the meaning of transfiguration of the Lord, we need to understand the background of it. Jesus told his disciples clearly exactly what being Messiah was going to mean for him.