Sacrificial Love

05-05-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear people of God,

Good morning to you all! First of all, I express my sincere thanks to all those who volunteered with your equipment for cutting down of trees and cleaning them in and around the hill near the parking lot at our Fountain City. I wish and pray that you may be blessed with the choicest blessings of our Risen Lord Christ.

This weekend, six students of parishes are going to receive Holy Communion for the first time. Let us keep them in our prayers, so they that may grow in faith and love of our mighty God.

On this sixth Sunday of Easter, the readings offer rich insights into love. The readings of today says that God shows no partiality among people; His love is for all, as shown when the Holy Spirit fills everyone listening to Peter, regardless of being Jew or Gentile. This teaches us that God’s love transcends human boundaries, inviting all into His divine family. The second reading tells us that God is the essence of love itself, and loving others is how we truly know God. This emphasizes that love is not just a human emotion but a reflection of the divine presence within us.

Today’s Gospel speaks of God’s love for us. In the same way that the Father loves Jesus, His Son, so also Jesus loves us! That is incredible. Jesus commands His disciples to love one another as He has loved them. This directive is rooted in His own obedience and love for the Father, highlighting love as the fundamental principle of Christian life. Jesus speaks about the greatest love being shown when one lays down their life for their friends. This underlines the sacrificial nature of true love, exemplified by Jesus’ own life and death.

Sacrificial love is sympathetic, considerate, gentle and kind. This love is not jealous. It works for the good of the other. This love is not arrogant, even when we think we are right and others are wrong. Sacrificial love is not selfish. Rather, it is an act of the will which seek to serve and not be served. Sacrificial love is a strong commitment to help and appreciate others unconditionally. It is always ready to give rather than to receive. Sacrificial love rejoices with the truth and never fails. It is that love that fears no accusation.

As we celebrate, and obey this great command to love, let us give thanks to God, who “has shown his salvation to the nations.” Alleluia!

Have a Happy and Blessed Sunday!