Faith in Action

06-30-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God

Good morning to you all! Regarding our Diocesan Annual Appeal, we are above 100% of our goals. A big thanks and appreciation for your generous support. All money above goal comes back to our tax free for budget.

On this 13th Sunday, the readings show us that God wants nothing but life and goodness for us, if only we will let Him rescue us. The first reading explains that God desires life for us, not death. The second reading tells us that God desires abundance for all of his children.

In our Gospel, Jesus heals two people — a sick woman and an ill child. The woman and the father of the child approached Jesus because they heard of His healing works. The first healing was a woman who suffered physically for many years. She believed that, “if I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” As Jesus questioned who touched Him, she fell at her knees and confessed the truth of what she had done. Jesus replied with such tender words, “Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.”

The second healing was of a 12-year-old girl. An anxious and loving father sought after Jesus so that his daughter might be cured of her illness. As Jesus was traveling to heal her, they got word that the daughter had died. In that deeply painful moment, a moment no parent wants to experience, Jesus turned and said, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.”

In both cases, we see faith in action. The woman demonstrated her living faith with her active action. She was not afraid or ashamed of the crowd. Her action and the reaction of Jesus, simply teach us that coming and touching Christ must be a very deliberate action motivated by a living faith. Also, Jairus demonstrated his faith on behalf of his daughter by persistently inviting Christ. Both Jairus and the woman never gave up, instead, they waited patiently until the plan of God was fulfilled for them.

Finally, we must learn first that, it is the plan of God for us to prosper both in body and soul, but we must be patient and walk into this plan in faith. Second, we have a role to play in the plan of God towards others. While Christ seeks our welfare every day, we too must constantly seek the welfare of others.

Have a Happy Sunday!