Calming the Storm

06-23-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

First of all, I express my sincere thanks to all those who contributed to our Diocesan Annual Appeal. Still, those who would like to contribute towards the Diocesan Annual Appeal, you are welcome to do so before 30th of June,2024. The 2023-24 Diocesan Annual Appeal ends June 30, 2024. Gifts postmarked after June 30th will be applied to next year's appeal.

Secondly, I express my hearty thanks to those wished me and gave me & sent me birthday cards in view of my birthday. I am very happy of your love and support. I am very grateful to you all for your prayers and wishes,

On the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the readings show God’s power to calming of the storm of our life bring peace. They remind us to trust in Him. The first reading from the book of Joy says that God sets boundaries for the sea and controls its limits. This shows His power and authority over all creation, In the Gospel, Jesus calms the storm. He asks the disciples why they are afraid, reminding us to trust in God’s control over our lives.

There are two fundamental truths that the gospel reveals to us. The first is that Christ is with us in that boat, and he is aware of the storm in our path. So, one cannot be with Him and yet sink. It is not possible! The second is that we cannot overcome our storms alone, no matter how experienced we think we are navigating our boat. Hence, Christ tells us: “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” There is no doubt that his disciples made much effort to control their boat before inviting Christ. However, when they failed, they cried out: “Lord, do you not care if we perish?” Of course, Christ intervened because he assured us: “Call upon me in times of trouble, and I will help you” (Ps 50: 15).

Finally, there are two things we must continue to do. First, rather than live in fear, sit and complain like Job, or give up completely, let us cry out and invite the Lord to help us. This is because: “Our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth” (Ps 121, 1-2). Second, we must continue to show profound faith in God, Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Faith makes us believe that God created us in love, sustains us with his providence and, will save us through his mercy. God never abandons us. God is always with us.

Have a Happy Sunday!