Ash Wednesday
Mass with distribution of ashes | 8:00am St.Lawrence, 11:00am St.Boniface, 5:15pm Immaculate Conception, 7:00pm St. Lawrence |

Living the Beatitudes: A Reflection on the Sixth Sunday
02-16-2025 | Fr. AlbertToday The Church marks the Sixth Sunday in the year. The Gospel is taken from St. Luke 6:17, 20-26. What Christ said to his disciples that day long ago in far-off Galilee applies equally well to every true Christian today. We must never let the things of this world keep us from God. We may acquire and use earthly goods, but we must acquire and use them justly, charitably, and responsibly. While only a relatively small number of Christians are called on to take a vow of Poverty, all Christians are forbidden to take a vow of wealth, that is to make the acquisition of wealth their purpose in life. While only a few special disciples of Christ are asked to give up even the lawful pleasures of the senses, all Christians are commanded to avoid unlawful indulgence in sensual pleasure.