“Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”

01-21-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

First of all, I thank all those who helped to remove the decorations in our three Churches. I could see more hands working with your enthusiasm, dedication and commitment. I appreciate you all.

The readings for the third Sunday in Ordinary Time invite us to be transformed by the call of Jesus. In the first reading, Jonah hears God’s call and sets off for Nineveh. Jonah gave a message of repentance to the people of Nineveh. They believed in God, repented and fasted with sack cloths. The inhabitants of Nineveh heard the message, believed it, repented and God had mercy on them and their city. The story of Nineveh is simply a sign that God loves mercifully and that history is in His hands. This mercy and love are what He wishes to use us to communicate to our world.

In the second reading, Paul also reminds us that: “Our time is growing short…for the world is passing away!” Paul simply, refers to the notion of sensitivity and urgency that should mark our lives and actions

The Gospel is appropriate for this beginning Sunday in Ordinary Time. Today we reflect on how Jesus begins His mission of proclaiming God's Good News. Jesus Christ starts “the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the good news.” Like the Ninevites, the disciple of Christ, heard this message responded to it with urgency, each being sensitive, and knowing that there was no more time to waste. The Disciples heard the word of the master: “Follow me,” and they simply obeyed, and followed Him.

So, Jesus continues to invite us to participate in his mission: “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” This is a life transforming invitation and mission. Our response to it should be positive. This is because, it is for our good, and that of others. Fishers of Men simply means partners in the kingdom. They are those who are willing to go extra mile in order to help others. They are those ready to collaborate with Christ in his ministry. We must use seek and worship our God, to live in peace and love with others, to affect others positively. We must use our time to “seek what is good and pure, what is noble and true” (Phil 4:8). Have a Happy and Blessed Sunday!