God is calling us

01-14-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all. Again, I thank specially all those who assisted with music, singing, decorating the churches, lecturing, serving, and ushering during the last Christmas season. Now the Christmas season is over. We have started the ordinary season. It goes unto weeks and then we start Lenten season in the liturgical calendar.

The readings for this Sunday invite us to hear God calling and to respond. Our first reading from the first book of Samuel recounts the dramatic call of Samuel and he replies. In the temple, young Samuel hears the Lord's voice thrice but confuses it for Eli. Eli recognizes the divine call and advises Samuel to respond, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." Samuel obeys, and from then on, he grows in God's presence, with his words carrying significance.

The first part of today’s gospel reading speaks about testimonies about Jesus from John the Baptist who has accomplished his mission. Today, he fulfilled his own prophecy: “I am not he who is to come…! Surely, he was not the messiah. So, he directs all true disciples to Christ: “Behold the Lamb of God!”

The second party of today’s Gospel of tells of the call of the first three apostles. The first two, Andrew and another man, were followers of John the Baptist. After hearing John’s testimony, they became followers of Jesus. During their time with Jesus, the details of which are not specified, Andrew and the other follower came to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Andrew then brings his brother, Simon, to Jesus. Immediately, Jesus gave Simon a new name, calling him Peter, which means “rock” in Greek.

Through these readings, the Holy Mother Church, reminds us that God’s call is real and that, God knows and calls us personally by our names. Thus, she encourages us to respond effectively to this call with our body, soul and spirit. God calls us by our names every day: “come follow me; come and see.” Therefore, like the psalmist our response should always: “Here I am Lord, I have come to do your will.”

Have a Happy and Blessed Sunday!