New Opportunities in the New Year

12-31-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

I wish you all a Prosperous and grace-filled New Year-2024. I specially thank all those who decorated the Cribs and Churches in all our three Churches. I also thank you all who participated in Christmas Masses. It was a good attendance. Also, Sincerely I am thanking you all for your wishes, prayers and Christmas Cards.

This first Sunday of Christmas is dedicated to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. It is the model of every true Christian Family. It is the nucleus of the human society and the place where life and learning begin. The importance of today’s celebration both in the life of the Church and our society cannot be underestimated. First, it is meant to remind us of the specific and important role of the family as a sacred institution. That is, that the sustenance and subsistence of our society depends on the continuous existence of the family. Second, this celebration reminds us of the right constitution of a family. That is, the right and naturally accepted union of a father, mother and their children.

On January 1st, we celebrate feast day of Mary, Mother of God. We give thanks to God for today’s celebrations, both of which are great sources of blessings. First, for the gift of a new year. Second, for the gift of a precious mother to accompany, comfort, and to intercede for us throughout this year. The title “Mother of God” is from the Greek “Theotokos” (God-bearer). Through this celebration, the church reminds us of Mary’s special role in God’s plan. This solemnity can be traced back to the Council of Ephesus in 431. In 1931, Pope Pius XI extended the feast to the entire church. Mary played a vital role in God’s plan of salvation.

Mary fulfilled her role as Mother towards her son. She conceived and nurtured him with love and tenderness. She equally accompanied him through every step and stage of his life even till his death on the cross. In other words, not only did she give birth to Jesus, Mary helped Him to accomplish God’s plan for humanity. Through this, she presents herself as the epitome and model of good motherhood.

New Year offers us new opportunities, new ideas, and new resolutions. It is a sign of regeneration and a time of new hope. So, as we continue our walk with God this year, let us constantly ask for the intercession Mary, Mother of God: Oh, Holy Mother of God, despise not our prayers in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, Oh glorious and blessed Virgin.

Again, I wish you all a Joy-filled New year-2024. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. May our Mother Mary protect you all through her powerful intercessions in this coming new year.