Solemnity of Christ the King

11-26-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all. On this thirty fourth Sunday, we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King. The Feast was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 against the deadly influence of Secularism. The feast is intended to proclaim in a resounding and effective way, Christ’s royalty over all nations.

In the first reading of today, the Lord through prophet Ezekiel reassures us of his continuous care for us: “I am going to look after my flock myself… I shall be a true shepherd to them….” One remarkable thing about this reading is that for nine times, the personal pronoun “I” was employed. First, this is to convey God’s personal interest in his flock. Second, this was to prove his promises already fulfilled in Jesus Christ in our time.

In the second reading, Paul reminds us of Christ’s kingship and reign. He will continue to maintain his reign until He conquers death, our last enemy. Christ accomplished a task that no other could. That is, the defeat of sin and Satan through his own death. It was a hundred percent and total knockout.

Today’s gospel reminds us of the reign of Christ. His reign, is that of justice. He will judge each according to his deeds. St. Teresa of Avila, a great mystic, and doctor of the church, wrote after 20 years of being a nun, “Christ has no body on earth but yours. No hands, but yours. No feet, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He is to look out at the world. Yours are the hands He must use to bless.” St. Teresa understood that if the hungry, thirsty, homeless and sick are to be cared for, if Christ’s mission is to be sustained and continued, then it is to be done by us, His followers.

Yes, Christ supposed to reign in our hearts. If he reigns in every heart, then he reigns in our world. If he reigns there already, then rejoice and celebrate. If not, then let us ask him today, to come in and reign. He says to us: “I stand at the door waiting, if you open, I will come in to eat and dine with him” (Rev 3, 20).

As we celebrate Christ the King of the universe today, let us permit him to be truly in control of the kingdom of our heart because as the “Bonus pastor,” If we make Him the king of our lives, we shall lack nothing, and surely, his goodness and mercy shall follow us, all the days of our life. And of course, we shall dwell peacefully in His Palace. Have a Happy and Blessed Sunday!