Change Your Heart

10-01-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss, Pastor

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all. The “Kid's Bulletin” is available at the back of our Churches. Please grab a copy coming in or request a copy from the ushers when leaving the Church from weekend Mass. This Children’s bulletin contains activities so children may learn more about Sunday's Gospel.

On this twenty sixth Sunday, A theme common to all the readings is that of changing one’s heart. In the first reading of today, God through his prophet Ezekiel says that the virtuous who turn to wrongdoing face consequences, but the wicked who reform their ways will find life. This speaks of the opportunity for change and redemption.

The gospel of today presents us with yet another popular parable of Jesus. In this parable of the two sons, Jesus tried to distinguish the attitude of the Pharisees and the Scribes from those of the prostitutes, tax collectors and indeed all those they tagged “sinners” towards the will of God. The first son represents the tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners, while the second represents the Pharisees and the Scribes. The first son initially refused but later obeyed, while the second son agreed but didn’t follow through. When asked which son did his father’s will, they acknowledged the first.

This story prompts us to reflect on the power of actions versus words. True transformation lies in our deeds, not just appearances. The sincerity of our hearts matters more than our knowledge. Our lives should reflect caring actions, for what we do matters more than what we know. This reading reminds us that change is possible. Despite initial refusals or mere lip service, we can still choose to embrace what is right and answer God’s call to serve. Our actions can reshape our paths, illustrating our commitment to God’s will.

In short, both the First Reading and the Gospel parable underscore the significance of turning away from wrongdoing and embracing righteousness. God’s mercy extends to those who change their hearts, demonstrating that true repentance leads to life. Like the first son, tax collectors and prostitutes, often deemed unworthy, can find the kingdom through sincere transformation. This challenges us to assess our own hearts and actions, recognizing the power of change and the boundless reach of God’s grace.

The good news my dear friends today is that, in spite of all our failings, there is still ample opportunity for us to return to God as the first son did. He always welcomes us. We need to harmonize the words of the second son and the action of the first son in order to be the best we can in doing what God wants us to do in obedience and humility. Have a Happy and Blessed Sunday!

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Fr. Doss