God's Vineyard

10-08-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss, Pastor

Dear People of God,

Good morning to all! In the month of October, we are all invited to pray the holy Rosary. The Rosary is one of the most powerful weapons for the spiritual warfare and one of the greatest aids in the pursuit of a fruitful spiritual life. The Rosary enables us to concentrate on what God has done for us, makes us strong and helps us to be rooted in Christ. As children of God, let us hold the hands of our Blessed Mother and as her intercession.

On this 27th Sunday, our first reading popularly known as “the parable or song of the vineyard is an allegory. In this reading, God recounts his love and care for Judah. He chose her as the apple of his eyes (Zach 2, 8) and as his beloved garden, did everything possible to make her comfortable. Unfortunately, God was rewarded with sour grapes, instead of grapes of good quality.

In the gospel of today like in the first reading, we find another allegory of the vineyard. In it, Jesus addressed the chief priests and the elders of the people in the temple. This time around the Pharisees and the Scribes were portrayed as the bad and wicked tenants who, instead of rendering a good account decided to overthrow the landlord. The question is, after throwing out these wicked tenants to whom would the vineyard be given or has been given? The good news for us this Sunday lies herein: “….and lease the vineyard to other tenants who will deliver the produce to him whenever he arrives.” When the Pharisees and their accomplices rejected the gospel, it was taken to the gentiles. This reading therefore, richly conveys some important truths about God and the way he deals with his people. First, it tells us of God’s generosity and trust. Second, it tells us of His patience and justice. Whatever position we find ourselves now, we must be ready to render a positive and fruitful account to the Master and Lord of the vineyard. when we fail to render justice to whom it is due, when we overturn the truth and prefer lie, and when we bring others pain and sorrow instead of joy, we disappoint God.

Accepting the Lordship of Christ as the heir to God’s vine yard in our lives is very important. Allowing him to take his rightful position in our lives which ultimately is God’s vineyard is the only way we can bear good fruits. That is, the good fruit God’s first vineyard could not bear. This is the only way we can be filled with what is true, noble, pure, worthy of praise and of course, virtuous; and it is the only way we can faithfully render a good account to the Lord.

Yours in Jesus,
