From Our Pastor

07-23-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss, Pastor

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you. Again, my gratitude to all those who gave for the Inspired by the Spirit Capital Campaign. We went above and beyond our goal for all our three parishes. THANK YOU. Last weekend I was in St. Patrick Parish Mauston, WI for doing the Mission Co-op for native diocese. It was a nice experience. I was remembering and praying for you specially during the Mass.

On this 16th week in ordinary time, the first reading from the Book of Wisdom shows us a merciful and patient God. There is only one God who cares for all, exercising justice, and demonstrating might. God teaches us that power is accompanied by kindness and provides hope through the possibility of repentance.

And in the gospel Jesus gives us several parables related to the Kingdom of God, including the parable of the weeds in the wheat, the parable of the mustard seed, and the parable of the yeast. In the parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus presents a wise and patient God who allows the good and the evil to coexist in the world until the harvest, and blesses the evil ones for the little good they may have done, so that they may come to conversion before their time ends: “Let the wheat and the weeds [darnel] grow together till the harvest time.” Through the parable of the wheat and the weeds in today’s Gospel, Jesus calls us to be patient with those who seem to us to fail to meet the high ethical standard expected of a Christian.

We need to grow up as healthy wheat in God’s field, leaving the “weeds” for God to take care of. The Good News is that growth and maturity are probably the most effective forms of weed control. Our transparent and exemplary Christian lives will be a compelling challenge and a forceful invitation to evildoers to repent of their sinful lives and turn to a loving and forgiving God. Our acts of charity, kindness, mercy, encouragement, loving correction, and selfless service can prompt the “weeds” in our society to reassess their lives, modify them, and grow into useful members of society.

Have a Happy Sunday!

God’s blessing!

Fr. Doss