From Our Pastor

07-30-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss, Pastor

Dear People of God,

Wishing you all a peace and joy in the Holy Names of our Jesus Christ, our Mother Mary and St. Joseph!

On this 17th Sunday of ordinary time, the liturgy of Word of God reminds us that the greatest treasure is the Kingdom of God. In his love, God himself has chosen us, and prepared it for us before time. So, it encourages us to pray for wisdom as Solomon did, to enable us discern the true value and mysteries of God’s kingdom.

Today’s first reading began in a very interesting way. If you were Solomon, what would you ask for? Some of us would, ask for more cars, houses, shoes, foods, money, children and much more! On the contrary, Solomon asked for wisdom for the benefit of both his kingdom and God’s kingdom. “Give your servant a heart to understand how to discern between good and evil.”

An understanding heart is God’s gift (Prov 2:6). We need it every day, and in all aspects of our life in order to succeed. So, the Apostle James encourages us: “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously…and it will be given to you (Jas 1:5). Wisdom was given to Solomon, because he asked for it. However, God expects us to ask wisely, reasonably and not selfishly. Today’s gospel is a continuation of Jesus’ use of parables to teach us about the Kingdom of God.

Today’s good news is also a call to value what is most precious to us, and for which God has chosen us. These parables are intended to instruct us to prefer the kingdom of heaven to this world, and to ensure that nothing prevents us from entering into it. Through these parables, Christ reminds us of the excellence and beauty of eternal life. The kingdom of God is indeed a treasure hidden from the wise of this world.

Only those who are wise according to God’s standard look for it, and find it. To find it, we must first value it, and when we have found it, we must hide it in our hearts. Therefore, let us ask God for understanding and wisdom as Solomon did, so that we may be wise enough to discern what is good for us, and to make God’s kingdom our priority. Have a Happy Sunday!

Yours in Christ

Fr. Doss