Pentecost Sunday

05-23-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, coming of the Holy Spirit on apostles and mother Mary. The Spirit is in fact the Easter Gift par excellence. He is the Creator Spirit, who constantly brings about new things. Today’s readings show us two of those new things. In the first reading, the Spirit makes of the disciples a new people; in the Gospel, he creates in the disciples a new heart.


Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

05-16-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

On this 7th Sunday of Easter, we celebrate Christ’s Ascension into heaven. At the end of His earthly life Jesus ascends triumphantly into heaven. Today’s feast is a culmination of the events of the Paschal mysteries of Christ. It was evident that the death of Christ was never going to be a defeat, but a victory, exaltation and a glorification. Like every good child, having fulfilled his mission, He has returned to render full account of his work to his father. As a body of Christ, we rejoice because today we celebrate the final victory of Jesus over Satan and this world. This is a sign of hope that, as Christ our head defeated Satan and defiled the force of gravity to ascend to the father, we too shall one day overcome all the forces. Ascension also reminds us that we are on a journey and that, rather than this world, heaven is our final destination.


Selfless Love

05-09-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all! Happy Mother’s Day. I wish and pray that all our Mothers may be blessed with the choicest blessings of our Risen Lord Christ through the powerful intersession of our Mother Mary.

One of the remarkable qualities of a Mother is selfless love. On this sixth Sunday of Easter, the readings are all about love. It is a very fitting day liturgically to celebrate Mother’s Day. Both second and gospel reading are calling us to love as Christ loves. This request from our Lord is no small endeavor. It is something we must work at every day in every moment. When we put it at the forefront of our minds and hearts, and strive to live it out each day, it will transform our lives and impact others, too.


Abide in Christ

05-02-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

First of all, I thank and appreciate all those who worked for the spring fundraiser for our St. Boniface school children. Many Volunteers, Parents, Teachers, Staff and Students worked with dedication, Zeal and more enthusiasm. I was very much taken up by your hard work and commitment. I think that this year, the entire program of fundraiser was more different and lot of fun than the previous years. I also thank heartily also who supported this fundraiser by sacrificing your time, lot of stuffs for auction and money.


Trinity Sunday


Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

Today we celebrate the Holy Trinity. It reminds us that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are working together. They are never separated, though, each one of them is a distinct divine person. There is unity of essence and relation within the three divine persons. It is a mystery and can best be appreciated only with the “eyes of faith.”