Listen to Jesus

02-28-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear Friends,

God morning to all. Hope, you are all safe and healthy. Today we celebrate the second Sunday of Lent. The liturgy of word of God invites us to listen to Christ who suffered, died and rose again for us. If we listen to Him, we shall be successful in our journey with him in our life.



02-21-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God.

The season of Lent has been begun already. Today is first Sunday of Lent. The readings of this Sunday are inviting us to renew our covenant with God.

Our first reading recounts the unconditional covenant between God and Noah who represents humanity. This is a covenant of renewal, recreation and restoration. This covenant was sealed with a rainbow as a sign of God’s faithfulness. One interesting thing about this covenant is that we share in it. God has been faithful to this covenant, to the extent of offering his own son Jesus Christ in order to renew it. Unfortunately, humanity has been unfaithful to God and his covenant. Therefore, this season, God offers us another opportunity to renew our covenant with him through Christ.


God Never Tires of Forgiving

02-14-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

This is the Sunday before Ash Wednesday and lent season. On this six ordinary Sunday, the readings are reminding us that Jesus is the friend of us all. So, He is willing to do the unimaginable in order to save us. Hence, our Church calls us to make Jesus our role model by caring for the sick and weak.

Our first reading as well as gospel reading peak about the hopeless situation caused by leprosy. Today we have a treatment for leprosy. But in the time of Leviticus and in the time of Jesus Christ, there was no know treatment. Because the causes of the disease were not known. The person with leprosy was exiled from “healthy” human society.


Jesus' Purpose is to Preach the Kingdom

02-07-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

Good morning to you all! May the peace of God be with you!!

On this fifth Sunday of ordinary time, in the three readings we are given the inner sense of three different people and their relationship to what the Father has asked of them. We can put them in this order: Job speaks before knowing of the salvation given to us in Christ Jesus. Jesus speaks to us of His inner calling to proclaim the Good News. Saint Paul then tells us how to proclaim that Good News so that all can come to know Jesus.