
05-30-2020Weekly ReflectionFather Prince Raja

Covid-19 pandemic has challenged the status quo of the contemporary society on several fronts. Its impact has been felt across almost every aspect of life, including healthcare services, economics, entertainment industry and sports, work and family life, and in religious and educational practices. Amidst these global disruptions, the winners have been the contemporary twins, Information Technology (IT) and internet (webinar Zoom). I really appreciate and thank you all for your great support towards our parishes during this uncertain times. I remembered all your family members and your intentions in my daily private mass.


Reopening our Churches for Sunday Holy Mass beginning May 30/31

05-20-2020Weekly ReflectionDeacon Ed Wendt


We are about to embark in possibly dangerous seas. The Covid-19 continues to threaten the lives of many people and we are faced with a challenge to reopen our churches for public worship. We cannot allow fear to dictate an abandonment of our churches, but must rely on faith in the divine physician to walk with us, to protect us, and if need to, heal us. Our faith in Christ Jesus is the life preserver in this pandemic ocean. That being said we must also take precautionary measures to insure our well-being.


Good News

05-13-2020Weekly ReflectionDeacon Ed Wendt

My Dear Family,

How great it is that our God loves us. Not only does God continue to love us, God chooses to abide within us. This is the Good News!

It's not only good news – we're also given some helpful direction in how to share this news with others. Paul helps us with that most difficult of all church concepts, evangelization.

Paul treats the Athenians with courtesy and seriousness. "I went through the city and looked carefully at the objects of your worship." He didn't rush into their temple and begin by tearing down what was sacred to them. Paul took the time to walk around, to see who they were and how they prayed. He noticed the altar to an unknown god, and he built on this. His thoughtfulness allowed the Athenians to hear him with open minds. What a lesson for us all.


I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

05-06-2020Weekly ReflectionDeacon Ed Wendt

My Dear Family,

When have so many people, everywhere, felt so uncertain, had so many unanswered and unanswerable questions all at the same time? When have so many plans been upended, suspended? When have so many guidelines been provisional, temporary, subject to revision? How long will this last? When will we get to attend Mass/go out/gather/travel/work normally/work at all/hug/feel safe again? Grief, illness, this unseen virus with its terrible tentacles that reach into our homes, churches, schools, hospitals, economy all leave us feeling adrift, even more than we often do as humans. We may feel suspended, floating (not in a good way), unable to get a foothold on something solid and dependable, concrete and unshakeable. It’s all up in the air.