Resolutions to Consider

11-27-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Brian Jazdzewski

We are promised that the more we link our lives to Christ, the better off we become here and in the hereafter. Remembering the faithful departed this month helps us understand that living more Christ-like prepares us for a quicker path to unity with Him. And, the more we practice unifying with Him now, the more we hunger for eternal unity with Him. Part of linking our lives to be more Christ-like is to become ever more aware of the rhythm of His life. His life is outlined in many ways, including in the life of the Church He has entrusted to us. And, the Church we are called to be part of, has a unique calendar of events to help us reflect upon the mysteries of our faith.

Meanwhile, as these mysteries are meditated upon, we have the privilege of remembering Saints of the Church, our supernatural heroes. These Saints remind us of some heroic virtue we may feel called to embrace in our life. I hope, that as each day goes by, you come to understand more deeply the richness of membership in our Holy Roman Catholic Church. (As an aside, following Pope Francis' remarks about extending the privilege of absolving people involved in abortion[s], one nationally syndicated columnist [a non-Catholic] reflected upon the Church as one of the few remaining venerable institutions in the world. Another journalist reflected upon the likelihood of the Church being looked upon years from now as standing our ground for life issues and the courageous leadership of Catholics to make a difference in life issues from natural conception through natural death.)

Living more Christ-like may mean that we are ever more attentive to the liturgical year which affords us a new beginning today on this First Sunday of Advent. I once again encourage you to consider making a new year resolution, particularly a spiritual new year resolution. I might add, that the resolution may be something like living more Christ-like. You may consider in whatever ways, great or small, that you will give greater witness to Jesus in your words and actions. Along that, there are countless ways, directly or indirectly, in which you can give witness to Jesus. Perhaps a concept like this is a struggle for you, make the struggle your point of prayer and invite the Holy Spirit to help you discover how He may be directing you, with His aid, to make the resolution.

Along those lines, we continue to hear how divided our nation has become. That division is also reflected in our Church. That division is also reflected in our parish and, dare I say, in some of our families. Of course Jesus suggests He has come for division. But, remember the division He speaks about is because of His name and those who give witness to Him. Frankly, some of our bickering has a lot more to do with human factors than Christian ones. So, our challenge, in the presence of God and one another, is to give greater witness to the Gospel.

Today and during the next four weeks, we are instructed to "prepare the way of the Lord." So far, each of us has spent a lifetime getting to know Him. Now we are afforded the opportunity to know Him better and share Him with others as we prepare His way. Some of us are going to take His invitation seriously and dedicate more effort to know Him better so we can share Him more effectively. A new resolution might just be to live more Christ-like. With His help, we can only imagine how we will renew the face of the earth and lead people to Him through our thoughts, words and actions. Happy Advent and Happy New Liturgical Year everyone!