Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,
Religious Education Classes 2023-2024.
Good morning to you all. Sincerely I thank all the Teachers who have come forward this year also to teach Religion Classes to our parish Children. A big thanks to Carrie Adams for coordinating our Religious Education classes. Registration for grades 1- 8 will be Wednesday, September 6 at Immaculate Conception-Fountain City (Parish Life Center). Please do Come anytime between 4 and 7pm to register. The Classes for grades 1-6 will start Wednesday and September 13th Classes for grades 7-8 will start Wednesday, September 20th, 2023. I request all parents of our Tri-Parishes to encourage your children to participate and learn more about our God, Saints and our Church & its traditions.
On this twenty second Sunday, the readings are encouraging us to follow our God with all our daily difficulties and obstacles. In the first reading, Jeremiah affirms his commitment to proclaiming God’s message despite the challenges. This theme reflects the determination to persevere in one’s calling, even in the face of adversity. The second reading encourages believers to present themselves as living sacrifices to God. It emphasizes the idea of offering one’s whole life in dedicated service to God.
The gospel reading of today highlights Jesus’ prediction of His own suffering, death, and resurrection. It emphasizes the sacrificial aspect of His mission. After that, Jesus rebukes Peter for opposing His path of suffering. It underscores the contrast between human desires and God’s divine plan. Then Jesus talks about taking up the cross to follow Him. It stresses the need for self-denial and a willingness to embrace difficulties for the sake of Christ.
At the end of the today’s Gospel reading, Jesus mentions gaining the world but losing one’s soul. This theme highlights the importance of prioritizing eternal values over temporary worldly gains. The passage discusses the Son of Man coming to reward each person according to their deeds. So we need to be the disciples of our Jesus by following His words and deeds. Have a Blessed Sunday!
Yours in Christ!
Fr. Doss