Dear People of God,
Good morning. Some of our people asked me about the date and place of the Confirmation. The Confirmation Mass will take place this Fall on Sun, Oct 22 at 2:00pm at Sts. Peter and Paul in Independence, WI. The rehearsal will be on Wed, Oct 18, at 6:30pm at Sts. Peter and Paul in Independence. You are most welcome. Please share this information with those who may not already know.
On this 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, The readings for the Year A highlight God’s generosity. In the first reading, Isaiah invites us to “Seek the Lord while he is to be found; call to him while he is near, and let the wicked man abandon his way…!” In this reading, we see a God who expresses his love for his people. We also, see a God who in spite of our infidelity, continues to search for us. A God, who cares and is ready to welcome us. God reminds us also that: “My thoughts are not your thought, and my ways are not your ways.”
In the gospel Jesus tells the parable about the workers in the vineyard and the generous landowner who paid them all the same wage. The parable of the vineyard- workers is no blueprint for labor relations, but it illustrates very well Jesus’ teaching about generosity, grace and mercy. His action towards the last group of workers shows that he is not acting in accordance with strict economics. Rather, he is motivated by love and generosity towards all that responds to his invitation. To all of us, he has extended the same unmerited invitation. To all, he will pay the same wage because his love is unconditional. His reward does not depend on when he called anyone, but on his generous, and unimaginable love for all.
What counts in God’s vineyard is the diligence of heart as a chosen one. All men, no matter when they come in, are equally precious to God. Therefore, God’s reward for all in His kingdom, is simply His grace that is extended to all those who responded faithfully to His divine invitation. Finally, what matters is that the Lord is close to all who respond to his invitation. It does not matter how and when. His love is for all.. Have a Blessed Sunday!
Yours in Christ,
r. Doss