Dear People of God,
Good morning to you. Thank you to those who have made pledges for the Capital Campaign! So far only 15 to 20 percentage of the families have submitted their pledge cards. It is actually an excellent start! This Sunday is going to be the commitment weekend for the Inspired by the Spirit Capital Campaign. So, I request other families to take this opportunity and consider, prayerfully to submit your pledges.
Today, just a week after Pentecost, the holy mother church celebrates the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Trinity Sunday focuses on God as community. God is the Lover (Father), the Beloved (Son), and the Love which flows between them (Holy Spirit). The love of the Trinity makes God completely one.
Unity: The doctrine of the Holy Trinity teaches that there is one God who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This unity of the Godhead is a mystery that surpasses human understanding but is essential to the Christian faith.
Love and Grace: The love and grace that flow from the unity of the Holy Trinity are the very foundation of Christian faith and life. God the Father’s love is demonstrated in sending His Son to redeem us from sin, and the Holy Spirit’s grace is poured out to us as a result of Christ’s sacrifice.
Implications: The doctrine of the Holy Trinity has important implications for Christian faith and life. It reminds us that God is relational and that we are called to live in loving relationships with Him and with others. It also reminds us that our salvation is a gift of God’s love and grace, not something we can earn or deserve.
Finally, the Trinity is not an abstract theological concept, instead, it is a reality which is to be believed and lived. The Trinity is someone to whom we pray, but it is also a community, the communion of three in one, the family in whose image we build up our own human community. In appreciation of this fellowship and communion let us give praise to the Most Holy Trinity: “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit Amen! Have a Happy and Blessed Sunday!
Yours in Jesus,
Fr. Doss