Dear People of God,
Blessings to you all. The Inspired by the Spirit Capital Campaign is moving right along. Thanks to all those who have pledged already. Please consider, if you have not already, making a sacrifice for this campaign. My hope is that every family makes at least a little sacrifice.
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, which was proposed by St. Thomas Aquinas to Pope Urban IV, emphasizing the joy of the Eucharist being the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Having recognized the authenticity of the Eucharistic Miracle of Bolsena, in 1264, the pope, then established the feast of Corpus Christi as a Solemnity. Jesus shared table many times with his disciples. Of all the meals he shared with them, the meal that stayed in their memory more than any other was their last meal I.e. last supper.
This last meal Jesus shared with his disciples stood out in their memory. He shared his vision with the disciples; he gave them himself in a way he had never done before, and in a way that anticipated the death he would die for them and for all, on the following day. In giving himself in the form of the bread and wine of the meal, he was declaring himself to be their food and drink. In calling on them to take and eat, to take and drink, he was asking them to take their stand with him, to give themselves to him as he was giving himself to them.
It was because of that supper and of what went on there that we are here in this church today. Jesus intended his last supper to be a beginning rather than an end. It was the first Eucharist. Ever since that meal, the church has gathered regularly in his name, taking bread and wine, blessing both, breaking the bread and giving both for disciples to eat and drink. Jesus continues to give himself as food and drink to his followers. He also continues to put it up to his followers to take their stand with him, to take in all he stands for, living by his values, walking in his way, even if that means the cross.
Whenever we come to Mass and receive the Eucharist, we are acknowledging Jesus as our bread of life, as the one who alone can satisfy our deepest hungers. We are also declaring that we will follow in his way and be faithful to him all our lives, in response to his faithfulness to us. In that sense, celebrating the Eucharist is not something we do lightly. Every time we gather for the Eucharist, we find ourselves once more in that upper room with the first disciples, and the last supper with all it signified is present again to us. We should love Jesus in the Eucharist and receive him with great desire.
Jesus is present in the Eucharist — body and blood and receiving the Eucharist in a state of grace should transform our lives. So, let us Strive to receive the Eucharist with great desire and asking forgiveness for our sins.
Have a Happy Sunday!
By Fr. Doss