From Our Pastor

02-05-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss, Pastor

Dear people of God,

First of all, sincerely I thank and appreciate St. Boniface’s PCCW Ladies for arranging soup and Card game on last Saturday night after the Mass. There was a lot of fun. Now I am very happy to inform you that there is going to be a Pancake Breakfast in new Rippley’s Social Hall, on Feb 4th from 8:00am to 10:30am at Waumandee. As usually, there is also going to be a Social with Donuts and Coffee at Immaculate conception, Hansen Hall, at Fountain City after this Sunday Mass. You are most welcome for these social events.

The liturgy of the Word says that when we encounter someone in trouble, we must help that person. The message of the first reading is that if we listen to the cries for help of other people, then God Himself will hear our cries when we call out to Him. This message is given in many places of the Scripture. It is repeated over and over again because sometimes, we fail to see the cry of the other. We should try to help when they are in needs specially in sufferings.

This same message is given today’s gospel in other words. In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us that You are the light of the world – you are the salt of the earth”. Both salt and light are apt metaphors because both transform their surroundings. We together are called to be salt and light for the people of our time. As community of faith, we are called to be present the integrity and wholeness of our community, just as salt preserves food from decay. We are meant to be, like salt added to food, a presence which brings out the best in our society. we are also meant to be like a light shining in the darkness of our society, helping people to find their way to the fullness of life. This is desire of our lord Jesus.

Christ also gives a warning that his disciples should not let their salt lose its flavor. When can our salt lose its flavor? First, as disciples of the Lord, we lose our flavor if we abandon our faith. Those who have been educated for the faith and in heavenly wisdom ought to remain faithful and steadfast and not “lose their taste.” It is not healthy for our spiritual life to lose our faith. So, we should be steadfast in faith in God. Second, our salt loses its flavor when we abandon our sense of apostolate, when we cease to share the Gospel. We are to be his eyes, his ears, his hands and his voice. So, dear brethern, do not be afraid to share the faith and let your light be seen! Spread the light of Christ by doing good to others. Flavor the world with the salt of your faith.

Have a Happy and Blessed Sunday

Yours in Jesus,

Fr. Doss