From Our Pastor

01-01-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss, Pastor

Dear Brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,

First of all, I thank all those who decorated our three Churches & Crips and also all those who donated for buying flowers. Secondly, I wish you all a happy New Year and feast day of Mary, Mother of God. Thirdly, I am very to announce the completion of our new “Rippley Social Hall” at St. Boniface Parish in Waumandee. Our beloved bishop Callahan is going to bless this New Hall on Fri, Jan 6 at 1:00pm. You are most welcome for this historical celebration.

The title “Mother of God” is from the Greek “Theotokos” (God-bearer). Through this celebration, the church reminds us of Mary’s special role in God’s plan. It teaches today: “Mary, the all-holy and ever-virgin Mother of God, is the masterwork of the mission of the Son and the Spirit in the fullness of time. For the first time, in the plan of salvation and because his Spirit had prepared her, the Father found the dwelling place where his Son and his Spirit could dwell among men… (CCC 721).

New Year offers us new opportunities, new ideas, and new resolutions. It is a sign of regeneration and a time of new hope. Our first reading today is a very important new year’s blessing direct from God to us, his people. It is a sign of God’s faithfulness, and His willingness to work with us this year. Hence, through His blessings, God has equipped us for the journey ahead this year. So, all we need say is a resounding amen to this blessing and walk justly with God this year.

In the second reading, Paul recounts the incarnation of God in Mary. That is, how God took flesh in the Blessed Virgin Mary. Paul reminds us of our sonship by participation, and our adoption as children of the same Father with Christ. Consequently, He also reminds us that by the same adoption, we are children of Mary, the Mother of God.

The gospel simply teaches us that Mary fulfilled her role as Mother towards her son. She conceived and nurtured him with love and tenderness. She equally accompanied him through every step and stage of his life even till his death on the cross. In other words, not only did she give birth to Jesus, Mary helped Him to accomplish God’s plan for humanity. Through this, she presents herself as the epitome and model of good motherhood.

So, as we continue our walk with God this year, let us constantly ask for the intercession Mary, Mother of God: Oh, Holy Mother of God, despise not our prayers in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, Oh glorious and blessed Virgin. May the Lord give you peace, protection and above all grant you a serene Year of 2023!!

Yours in Christ
Fr. Doss