Essential Virtues of our Christian Life

02-20-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

Good morning to you. The reading of this seventh Sunday of ordinary time reminds us of the essential virtues of our Christian life. They are Mercy and compassion, love of God and neighbor, self-control and appreciation of values, moral responsibility, awareness of sin and and the sense of the sacredness.

Today’s first reading is very dramatic. David had the death warrant of his enemies in his hands, yet he refused to pronounce it. Rather, he left it for God to pronounce in his own way, and at his appropriate time. He heeded God’s word: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not take revenge. Vengeance is mine” (Rom 12: 17-19; Duet 32:35).

In today’s Gospel, Jesus gave a very important sermon on these essential virtues and elements that must guide our lives and actions as Christians. There are so many lessons for us from today’s readings. First, we must learn to leave vengeance for God. So, we must not take every opportunity for revenge against our offenders. Forgiveness heals all wounds, and wipes all scars away.

Second, we must not always bow to pressures from circumstance, or from our colleagues in order to do evil. This is because, two wrongs can never make one right. Reprisal attack or revenge may hurt one even more than it will hurt one’s offender. In this case, we may win the war but not the peace, the love and, the friendship.

Finally, no matter our situation or circumstance, we must not lose the sense of the sacred. We must guard against sin. There is no doubt that, humanly speaking, these teaching are very difficult one. However, it demands a lot of sacrifice and courage. So let us pray today that our hearts might truly be open to the teaching of our Jesus.

May our mighty God bless you all with His choicest blessings!

Have a happy and Blessed Sunday.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Doss