We rejoice in God who never abandoned us to fate

01-16-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

Since last Monday, the Liturgical Calendar opened unto us the Ordinary Season. The expression Ordinary Season signifies the period in which the synthesis of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Gospels is recounted to us during the year. On this Sunday, we rejoice in God who never abandoned us to fate.

In the first reading of today, God assures us of his willingness to continue to protect and save us his people. Therefore, it is a message of hope and restoration. So, God reminds us today that he has not abandoned us. So, like a man or woman who vowed to protect his beloved, God vowed to protect and save us at all cost. it is because, we are God’s Bride and his chosen ones. So, Isaiah exalts us today that God is ready to sacrifice anything for our sake and salvation. This is exactly what he has done by sending us his only son Jesus Christ in other to accomplish this mission.

Also, in our second reading today, St. Paul reminds us that out of love for us and his church, God has generously lavished each and every one of us with gifts of the Holy Spirit. One important point that Paul makes here is that the gifts that we have received comes from one and the same Holy Spirit. However, we must bear in mind that these gifts are given to us for a purpose. They are given to us generously by God. So, we must use them generously in serving others.

The Gospel Reading (Jn 2:1-11) of today presents us with the first miracle of our Lord Jesus Christ at the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee where He changed water into wine, at the request of His Mother Mary and at the obedience to His instruction by the servants of the host. Although it was not yet time for Christ to commence his public ministry, he generously accepted to help out with his gift of miracle. Through this, Christ taught us exactly how we should use our gifts for the good and growth of God’s people. Also, another important lesson we should learn from today’s gospel is the role the Blessed Virgin Mary played in this miracle. She had the gift of prayer or intercession. She knew that her son will not refuse her anything good. So, she immediately, interceded on behalf of her people.

The only price that Mary demanded from servants was their obedience to the commands of Christ. She did not need to demand for anything more than this because, she knew that her gift of intercession and her position as the Mother of Christ was a free gift from God for the edification of her people. Therefore, by using her position and gift of intercession very well, Mary participated effectively in the ministry of Christ.

We are therefore called upon today to emulate both the example of Christ and Mary who used their gifts for the growth and edification of the people of God. We are called to use our gifts of talents and even some of wealth for others.

Have a Great and Happy Sunday!

Yours in Jesus Fr. Doss