You Must Do What the Word Tells You

08-29-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

Good morning to you all. On this twenty second Sunday of ordinary time, the readings lead us to reflect on the best way to obey the commandment of God for the sake of our own salvation. In our first reading, Moses reminded his people of the commandment of God and urged them to be steadfast to it in order to be successful in life.


As for me and my house...

08-22-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

I thank God the Almighty for the good weather on Last Sunday because we had a nice Fall Festival at St. Boniface, Waumandee. I also appreciate and thank all the members of Fall Festival committee for your meticulous planning and successful execution of it. I also appreciate all who volunteered for various works and helped with your stuffs. I could see many people working throughout the day. I feel proud of you all. May our mighty God bless you all for your selfless service to our Church.


Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

08-15-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear Friends,

You are cordially invited to St. Boniface, Waumandee for our Fall Festival. It is going to be on this Sunday. Lots fun activities are available for you.

Today we celebrate the Assumption of Mary. This Solemnity celebrates the end of Mary’s earthly life — the moment she was taken up, body and soul, into heaven. This day points to the resurrection of Christ and reminds us of the hope in our resurrection one day. Yet it also reveals much about our Holy Mother. Next to her Divine Son, Mary truly is the model steward for us as we journey through this life.


The Gift of the Holy Eucharist

08-08-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

On this nineteenth Sunday of ordinary time, God continues to draw us to himself in order to save, feed and strengthen us on our journey. The readings of this Sunday provide us another opportunity to continue our reflection on the gift of the Holy Eucharist, the mystery of our faith and the life of the world.


Jesus, the Bread of Life

08-01-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear brothers and sisters,

Good morning to you all. On this Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches the importance of seeking the bread which satisfies the hunger not only of the body but also of the soul. Jesus is the bread who the Father had given to respond to our hunger and thirst.