The Gift of the Holy Eucharist

08-08-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

On this nineteenth Sunday of ordinary time, God continues to draw us to himself in order to save, feed and strengthen us on our journey. The readings of this Sunday provide us another opportunity to continue our reflection on the gift of the Holy Eucharist, the mystery of our faith and the life of the world.

We hear in our first reading about the prophet Elijah who is traveling in the desert as he is fleeing for his life. He cries out to God to take his life. Because Elijah was afraid, terrified and discouraged. All hope of survival was lost. Yet an angel appears to him giving him food to nourish and sustain him on his journey to freedom.

In today’s gospel, like Elijah, Jesus confronts his own obstacles. The Pharisees would not believe in Him nor would they let him have his peace. Instead, they looked for means to discredit Christ and his work. However, Christ did not give up. Instead, he remained focused. He insisted: “I am the living bread, which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever, and the bread I give is my flesh for the life of the world.”

The good news today, is that Christ draws us to himself every day through Eucharist in order to nourish and strengthen us for our journey. He is the living bread that satisfies our spiritual hunger. He equally fills us with his spirit who directs us on the right path on our journey. So today, God is saying to us as he said to Elijah in the desert, “arise, eat, drink,” and continue your journey with a new hope, a zeal and a new spirit. Finally, let us try to use the generous gift that God had given us through the Holy Eucharist in order to enrich our lives. He is really the living bread of life.

Fall Festival 2021

Everyone is invited to St. Boniface in Waumandee next Sunday August 15th for the annual Fall Festival. The day will start with Mass at 10:00 followed by a pulled pork and sausage dinner. There are softball games and charcoal chicken all day and games for kids and adults including a cake walk and bingo. There is a kiddie tractor pull at noon and the Waumandee Creek Duck Race at 4pm. Please come join us for a celebration of parish and community. May our mighty God bless you all with His peace, love prosperity and protection.

Yours in Jesus Christ,
Fr. Doss