Happy Independence Day

07-04-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

I express my sincere thanks to all those who sent me sympathy cards in view of beloved Mother Irudaya Mary’s Loss. Your prayers and your words of encouragement really strengthened me a lot. Thanks a lot who prayed for me and sent me birth day cards in view of my Birth day. Special thanks to all the PCCW ladies for arranging birthday party at Waumandee house.

I wish you all a Happy Independence Day!

1.This is a day to thank God for the political and religious freedom we enjoy and to pray for God’s special blessings on the rulers and the people of our country.

2. It is a day to remember with gratitude the founding fathers of our democratic republic, especially, Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, and James Madison, the architect of the Constitution, who believed that all power, including political power, came from God and was given to the people who entrusted this power to their elected leaders.

3. It is a day to remember and pray for all our brave soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice of their lives to keep this country a safe and a free country, and for those who are now engaged in the fight against terrorism in other countries.

On this fourteenth Sunday of ordinary time, we reflect and rejoice in the spirit of prophecy and faithful witness to Christ. Even though, the exercise of this mission does not bring us honor, comfort, and recognition, we must continue to exercise it. This is because, even in our weakness, the grace of God is sufficient for us, and makes us strong.

As a Christian, we have a mission from God. There is mission everywhere right now. There is mission in our families, in our communities, and in our world at large. In the second reading of today, what Paul is describing is the burden placed upon him by the gospel he preached. This burden was like a thorn in his flesh. Unfortunately, the only condition for this burden to leave him was that he must continue like Ezekiel to speak out against evil and, to bear faithful witness to Christ. For us too, unless we have this burden garnished with zeal, we cannot achieve anything and, it will remain ever heavy upon us. Paul identified these burdens as: “insult, hardships, persecutions and agonies.” “Do not be afraid of them or I will make you even more afraid of them” (Jer 1, 17). We must not be afraid because the grace of God is sufficient for us. So, if we are willing, God will fill us with this grace always.

In the gospel of today, Jesus was filled with this grace and spoke fearlessly. Of course, he got his own share of insults. They ridiculed him, called him names like: “the son of a mere carpenter and a wretched woman. They called him an illiterate, and a rebel. In spite of all these, he was not discouraged. Instead, he continued to preach and heal his generation. We must not be afraid to take up our ministries in our life in spite of these burdens. We have to bear them patiently so that good might triumph over evil and, truth over lie and, peace over war. The truth is that, until every rebellion against the Lord is crushed, our world will not be safe.

Have a happy Sunday.

Yours in Jesus
Fr. Doss