Being Trustworthy Servants

11-15-2020Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

As we come closer to the end of this liturgical year A, the liturgy of Word of God, encourages us to remain faithful and dedicated to Christ our Savior. As good servants, we must be devoted to Him. Also, we must be ready to render full account of our talents to Him.

Today’s first reading for this Sunday is from proverbs. The virtuous woman of Proverbs radiates as a bright star. The term “virtuous” simply refers to strength, efficiency, or ability. Here, it refers to both spiritual and moral strength, as well as to the firmness of character (Ruth 3:11). So, she is virtuous because of the strength of her character and devotion.

The virtuous woman is good, faithful, and knows what to do to keep her family together. In addition, “she holds out her hand to the needy.” Today, the virtuous woman is the symbol of the Holy Mother Church, who prepares us adequately to meet Christ our Head. She prepares us through her constant teachings and charitable works. Hence, this is call for us to emulate the qualities of the virtuous woman. We are to be as faithful and devoted as she is to our callings and to God’s mission.

In the second reading, Paul presents to us a description of the conduct expected from a child of the light. He reminds us of the inevitable – The Lord’s Day. Paul is simply encouraging us to be vigilant and active in our preparation for this day of the Lord. Paul’s call, is a call to readiness and to live with eternity’s values in mind. If we do, we will certainly enjoy a better life than those who compromise with the world.

In the gospel, Jesus uses the parable of the talent to equally remind us that we must be ready to render a good account of our talents. God has endowed each one of us with different talents. Each, according to our various capacities. So, as faithful servants, he expects to render a good account of the “talents” we have received. Jesus challenges us to be prudent and productive with our talents. Most importantly, he admonishes us to live in anticipation of His inevitable return. We must not wait for this return in idleness. Rather, we must be active and industrious with the talents we have received. So, we must use our talents to the glory of God.

As trustworthy servants, we should avoid indifference, licentiousness, sloth, complacency towards our mission. These will not fetch us any reward from Christ. If we are faithful and productive with the talents we have received, Christ our head will also say to us: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Have A Happy and Blessed Sunday!!