2020-21 Diocesan Annual Appeal

10-25-2020Weekly Reflection

Dear Reverend. Aruldoss and People of three Parishes,

May the Lord give you peace! Do not fear; I am with you (Isaiah 41:10)

I write to you with sincere appreciation of your efforts and willingness to shepherd God’s people through the most challenging of times. It is through your dedication and hard work to promote and teach the joy of the Gospel that encourages a life that Christ calls us to, a life of stewardship for which we were created. Thank you for your efforts and for your willingness to give witnesses through prayer, time, and talent to make our efforts fruitful.

Again, we are prayerfully beginning the Diocesan Annual Appeal. As you know, our Diocesan Annual Appeal is the lifeblood of the charitable and good works our diocesan community so gallantly provides. Today as we see the pandemic, unrest, and chaos spread across the globe, a growing sense of hopelessness is infecting many parts of our communities. There never has been in our lifetime a greater need for the Church to hold fast to the Hope in Jesus Christ and provide the healing comfort of His mercy through our 38 ministries supported by our Diocesan Annual Appeal. The world needs His Church. The world needs us to fulfill our mission, a mission given to us through the Church.

His Church is you and me, and we, His Church, must still provide. After much prayer, deliberation, and difficult administrative decisions, we will hold the target steady for an unprecedented third year in a row: the overall target for the 2020-21 Appeal remains at $5,675,035. Individual parish goals will see either an increase or decrease due to changes in the parish’s portion of the aggregate figures reported in the June 30, 2019, Bishop’s Annual Report.

Your parish allocation for the 2020-2021 Appeal is:

  • Immaculate Conception Parish: $20,085
  • St. Lawrence Parish : $12,920
  • St. Boniface Parish : $7,715

This number is our best ability to adhere to the Catholic principles of subsidiary and solidarity. I am, as ever, grateful for your ministry. Our Annual Appeal funds the significant investment to carry out the many hope-filled ministries in our diocesan and global community. I am hopeful and confident that Mary Our Mother and her ever-faithful spouse, St. Joseph, will bless all our efforts to make this year’s Appeal successful.

With personal good wishes and prayer, I am
+Bishop William Patrick Callahan
Bishop of La Crosse

Dear people of God,

Again, we are beginning the Diocesan Annual Appeal with prayer and hope. The number and variety of programs and offices it funds are too long to list here. You can access the complete list at diolc.org/stewardship/appeal-portal.

I request you all to consider this annual Appeal more favorably and contribute generously.

Yours I Christ Jesus,
Fr. Doss