
09-06-2020Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People Of God,

In this twenty third Sunday of ordinary time, the liturgy of word of God reminds us of our responsibility towards one another. Most importantly, it reminds us that dialogue and mutual love is the best method of to promote reconciliation.

In the first reading, God reminds us through Prophet Ezekiel, that we have a responsibility towards one another. This is especially, with regards to counseling and warning others of the consequences of their actions in order to save them. It takes love to warn, counsel or advice someone. So, we are to do this with love. It is our duty to speak out, counsel, and even warn our brothers and sisters, children, friends and relatives when they are missing their path.

In the second reading, Paul says, “Avoid getting into debt, except the debt of mutual love.” We must take note of the adjective, “mutual” with which Paul qualified love. The quality of this love is not just a mere selfish feeling or desire to satisfy oneself. Rather, it is that which thinks and cares about the good and welfare of the other.

It can ultimately be known through the actions it prompts in us. This simply means, that it must be a relational love that cares, love that is ready to give, and love that reasons. It is mutual love because, it takes and shares responsibility.

In the gospel, Jesus gives us the principles of reconciliation. This means that conflicts are inevitable in human relationships, in families, and in communities. However, the question is how do we resolve them amicably? Suffice to note that at the center of Jesus’ principle is, dialogue.

Hence, Christ gives us a three-dimensional principle of reconciliation. First, we must sit down and dialogue one on one, and face to face. Then, seek the mediation of a good friend, and finally, seek the mediation of our community or family. We must take note of the three basic steps that Christ gives us today.

Unfortunately, today, we neglect all these basic steps and go straight to: “treat him like a tax collector.” Before this, if at all it is necessary, we must make all efforts to reconcile with others through dialogue. Dialogue fosters mutual respect for the other, it saves us a lot of energy and time and the cost of law suits. Finally, it fosters mutual love and restores relationships. When we dialogue and to agree, God seals it with a great amen.

May God Bless You All