Live, Act and Think as True Christians

10-14-2018Weekly ReflectionFather Prince Raja

Word of God of this Sunday – the 28th Sunday in ordinary time – invites us to examine our attitude towards money and wealth. In the first reading, King Solomon, who is acclaimed as the author of the book of Wisdom, sings:

"I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. I preferred her to scepter and throne, and deemed riches nothing in comparison with her," (Wis 7:7-8).

Wisdom is to be esteemed more than any honor or authority, splendor and riches. Before wisdom all gold is a pinch of sand, and beside her silver ranks as mud, says the author.

The two verses presented in the second reading of today place before all Christians a simple warning that nothing they do can be hidden from God, for their innermost thoughts and intentions are known to him. They must therefore live, act and think as true Christians if they would enter into the rest God has prepared for them in the eternal city of Heaven.

In the passage we heard from the Gospel of Mark indicates the vision Jesus is unfolding to his disciples and shows his way that will ultimately lead to the salvation. Significantly, we are told at the beginning that Jesus was setting out on a journey, literally, that he was setting out on the road or the way. This way is leading Jesus to Jerusalem, to his suffering, cross, death, resurrection and it is the way his followers are expected to follow. It is the ultimate place where Jesus is going to be glorified. Jesus himself is the Way, the truth and life and to be with him is to be on the Way to life.