Too Much Going On?

10-30-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Brian Jazdzewski

A sensitive ear can aid you in really listening and hearing the substance of matters going on in people's lives. I hope your conversations are meaningful enough to hear more than the contents which are presented on the surface. We really are living at a point in history when burdens can often seem like too much to handle. In the midst of all of the woes, I'm rather excited. Reason being: the Church has always prospered and grown in times of great distress and difficulties. In times of tremendous human suffering, saints have sprung up around the earth.


Confirmation Weekend

10-23-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Brian Jazdzewski

The celebration of Confirmation will take place later today with Mass at 6 o'clock in the evening at the Church of the Holy Family, Arcadia, WI. Please continue to pray for the following young people who will present themselves for the Sacrament of Confirmation:


10-16-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Brian Jazdzewski

The annual event which gathers priests, deacons, and diocesan Curia Staff was held on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning in our Diocesan Center in La Crosse. Primarily, four major presentations were regarding the topic of Hispanic ministry. The work of ministering to a growing immigrating population is one which every one of us needs to be concerned about. The priest speaker is a pastor of a parish in Sioux City, Iowa where the Hispanic population is larger than the Anglo population. We all know that there are areas in our diocese, Abbotsford and Arcadia are two examples, where the Hispanic population in the community is equal to and nearly exceeding the Anglo population. There are other places in our region of the country where Anglos are the minority. Whether or not we are comfortable with current immigration, it is a reality which we must face. And, let's face it, some of us can remember relatives speaking about being educated or praying in their native language such as Polish or German. In time, in the great melting pot of America, we all figure out how to live together.


Harvesting Beyond the Tangible

10-09-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Brian Jazdzewski

Since returning from vacation, I've been fielding a consistent question, "What did you do on vacation?" My witty and often-perceived smart-mouthed answer sometimes is, "When you start paying for my vacation, I'll start telling you." Now, truth be told, those of you who practice stewardship of time, talent and treasure to our parish do pay for my vacation. My salary comes because of your generosity to the Church directly and through the countless volunteer hours of fundraising. The point I'm getting to is that during my time away I was able to finish reading three books I started months ago. Further, last Sunday, you remember how pleasant the weather was, I finished a fourth. Subjects: 2 on Catholic spirituality, 1 on physical well-being, 1 on personal money management.